Wild Basin is excited to welcome Dr. Darren Proppe as the new Research Director. Dr. Proppe brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position as well as an enthusiasm for leading diverse research efforts.

After 22 years spent working in various locations – ranging from Canada to the Bahamas - Dr. Darren Proppe is pleased to be back in the Texas habitats that inspired his interest in ecology and conservation. In his ongoing research, Dr. Proppe is investigating how animals respond to novel environments – especially those altered by human development. He has focused primarily on the responses of songbirds to the increasing levels of anthropogenic (i.e., human caused) noise and develop that disrupt their communication and population dynamics. He has examined the mechanisms that species employ to increase the effectiveness of their signals in areas of high noise, and is exploring potential tools to mitigate these negative effects. Dr. Proppe is also working on new wildlife monitoring techniques using drone and RFID technologies. The Wild Basin Creative Research Center and the BCP provide ample opportunities for data-driven conservation, and Dr. Proppe aims to engage students, faculty, and partners in ongoing and new research efforts. Feel free to contact him at dproppe@stedwards.edu if you have ideas or are interested in research opportunities.