As a new trail guide volunteer this year, I have to say it’s been a very rewarding and interesting experience. I’ve led 3 hikes so far to a diverse number of 2nd thru 4th grade children. I’ve been able to take a different trail every time, so I can incorporate something new, like finding the cool fossil on the rock steps, or pointing out a different wild flower. The children have been well behaved, listened attentively and have been very inquisitive. They are always amazed and a little sad, at how soon our two hour hike seems to be over.
As a horticulturist by vocation, re hydrating pieces of dried Nostoc – a cyanobacteria or “blue green algae”, has proven to be a fun and exciting experiment in plant science. The kids love seeing it transform.
I’m eager to learn more out at Wild Basin as the season changes, and to welcome more interaction and curiosity from all who visit.