Kailey Hicks is a senior in high school working with Wild Basin this summer. She is interested in studying environmental science in college, and hopes that working with Wild Basin will give her a new perspective working in the field and understanding the behind-the-scenes of running a place like Wild Basin.
She cemented her love of nature last summer in Guyana helping scientists track populations of birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles, and large mammals. This summer, Kailey is going to help at Wild Basin by helping to maintain the trails and the butterfly garden. She is also going to help run the social media for Wild Basin along with assisting the other interns with their research. She is especially looking forward to learning more about Texas wildlife.
Kailey loves to spend her free time hiking and taking photos. One of her favorite things to do is to enjoy the outdoors from a hammock, especially Lake Austin. She is very excited to help connect people with nature this summer at Wild Basin.